March 29, 2025
Orlando, Florida USA
Adventure Family Fun

Repticon: Reptiles, Exotic Pet & SSSSSSnakes too!

Repticon Exotic Pet Snakes 2015 ShareOrlando 04 is Orlando’s biggest reptile and exotic pet convention that is held at the Central Florida Fairgrounds 3 times a year. Now I must admit, I have never been a reptile or exotic pet fan. I can deal with lizards and turtles, but snakes… NO THANKS! My son, like most 9 year olds is infatuated with reptiles. He has watched countless YouTube videos on the subject and has become quite knowledgeable on Reptiles. That’s where Repticon comes in. My son had heard about it, asked me to look and see if it was coming to Orlando. Yup it was… Great!! For the next 3 weeks, that is all he talked about. He was going to “learn all about the snakes he could and hopefully talk Dad into bringing one home.” Wait… what?? Ummm… NO!!

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So the day came and off we went. We got there, paid our entry fee ($10 per person) and in we went. I walked in, and it was a Indiana Jones’ worst nightmare!! There were snakes everywhere!! There were tables and tables of snakes, geckos, iguanas, and frogs. Apparently there is BIG money in raising and selling reptiles and it appeared Central Florida was the Mecca of reptile and other exotic pet raising businesses. Who knew?

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My wife and son slowly walked to each table looking at everything, asking every question possible. Me? Well, I walked down the center of the isle staying as far away from the tables as possible. We spent a good hour perusing the different reptiles. Then we came across a Scott and Elizabeth from out of Lakeland Florida. Elizabeth must have stood and answered questions about 30 minutes. She let Logan hold about 5 different snakes. Then she talked me into holding one.

Repticon Exotic Pet Snakes 2015 ShareOrlando 03“OK, that wasn’t so bad” I thought.

Then I started asking questions. Uh-oh!! The more and more I learned, the better I felt. (And trust me, coming from a person who hated snakes, that is good.) My wife and son asked more questions, and then I got the “look”. You know that look that your wife gives you… The one where you automatically know it’s going to cost you money.

Yep, she was sold. UGH!! I have “sucker” written across my forehead. We ended up getting the Ball Python including its cage and set-up. My son of course was ecstatic! Scott and Elizabeth gave us a ton of information on how to set up the cage, how to feed the snake. They even had a “First Time Snake” buyer reference guide they gave us. They were so helpful. If you are looking to purchase a snake or just want helpful information, I highly suggest contacting them.

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We got home, set everything up and my son now has a pet snake. My daughter wasn’t very happy about it, but I think she is coming around, although she has not held it yet.

So, if you are a reptile or otherwise exotic pet lover, or have a son or daughter that are into them, I highly suggest Repticon. You will learn so much!! They come to Orlando at least 3 times a year, and make a few stops in other parts of the state as well. If you do, don’t forget to stop by and say hi to the Elizabeth and Scott from Family Reptiles.


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Reptiles, Exotic Pet & SSSSSSnakes too! | Share Orlando
950 Celebration Blvd, Suite H

Celebration Florida 34747